in Gemeinschaft mit
Prof. Dr. iur. Heinz-Dieter Assmann, LL.M.
Prof. Dr. iur. Wolfgang Graf Vitzthum, LL.M.
Sekretär: Gerald G. Sander, M.A., Mag.rer.publ.
A Research Unit for World Economic Law ("Forschungsstelle Weltwirtsc../haft/index.htm" FWWR) has been established at the Law School of Eberhard-Karls-University of Tübingen/Germany. The unit is directed by Professor Thomas OPPERMANN, together with Professors Heinz-Dieter ASSMANN and Wolfgang Graf VITZTHUM.
FWWR focuses on research in the domain of world economic law. Special emphasis is placed on the trade law of GATT/WTO, on the common commercial policy of EC/EU as well as on the international law of the sea and on the global commons (e. g. polar regions, outer space). FWWR originates from long-standing cooperation of the above-mentioned three chair holders and their assistants in the framework of the former Tübingen research group "International Economic Order".
Publications of FWWR appear in the series "Tübinger Schriften zum internationalen und europäischen Recht" (Duncker & Humblot/Berlin, publishers) as well as "Integration Europas und Ordnung der Weltwirtsc../haft/index.htm" (NOMOS-Verlagsgesellschaft/Baden-Baden, publishers). A special research library comprising world economic law is being installed at FWWR.
Tel.: 49-(0)7071-29-78101 (Oppermann) - 29-78120 (Assmann) - 29-78137 (Graf Vitzthum)
Fax: 49-(0)-7071-29-4358
E-mail: Thomas.Oppermann@uni-tuebingen.de